Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Quick Recap of April Real Estate Trends to Fend Off June Gloom

Hope everyone had a relaxing and safe Memorial Day weekend.  I know I appreciated the sunny weather bestowed upon us here in Los Angeles, California.  In an effort to help keep the good mojo going as we turn the page to a new month, I’d like to quickly revisit some of the reported real estate data figures from the prior month, which should be welcomed with open arms.  It had been far too long since market trends and analyses demonstrated improvements of such statistical significance, so why not quickly recap to rejoice in the little victories.  After all, when it comes to current real estate markets nationwide, we can’t seem to have too much of a good thing.  Perfect timing too for such positive reporting, as we are just around the corner from what us native Los Angelinos call June Gloom - a southern California term for a weather pattern that results in cloudy skies with cool temperatures during the late spring / early summer

Fun fact # 1 - home loans in foreclosure or at least one payment in default have declined to the lowest level since 2008, according to a Mortgage Bankers Association report.

Fun fact # 2 -  Sales of single-family homes, condominiums and town homes rose 5.1% compared to April 2011 , reaching a total just north of 19,000 last month

Fun fact # 3 – According to the C.A.R. Newsline, 5/30/12 issue, “Sales of new single-family houses increased 3.3 percent in April to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 343,000 units, according to estimates released jointly by the U.S. Census Bureau and the Dept. of Housing and Urban Development. This is 9.9 percent above the April 2011 estimate of 312,000 units.”

Fun fact # 4 – Also pulled from the C.A.R. Newline, 5/30/12 issue, “National home values rose for the second consecutive month, climbing 0.7 percent in April compared with March to a Zillow Home Value Index of $147,300. This is the largest monthly increase in home values since January 2006, when they rose 0.8 percent, according to the April Zillow® Real Estate Market Reports.”

It’s too early to do a victory dance, and I still have yet to hear the fat lady sing; but data trends like those above are potential indicators of a real estate market on the rebound.  If sales can continue to rise, and competing buyers can continue to drive up median home values, there is no reason to believe that the worst isn't behind us.  Perhaps we can use this glimmer of hope to outshine and subdue our summertime nemesis June Gloom.

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